Improving Trade Facilitation

There are several tools behind the setting of national logistics policies. One concerns improving trade facilitation through simplifying, harmonizing, and standardizing trade procedures and setting free zones. The most common strategies involve the following:

Common Problems Linked with Government Intervention

Government policy is often the object of criticism over several types of issues associated with a level of dysfunction and the burden it imposes. For instance, bureaucracies may impose administrative burdens and have a regulatory reflex with the perception that most problems can be fixed by an appropriate policy. When

Shift in Public Transport Policy Perspective

Source: adapted from I-95 Corridor Coalition. The private sector plays a significant role in changing public policy, which is mimicking the changes that have taken place in the strategies of private transport corporations. The public policy environment is thus shifting towards the consideration of transport as a set of interacting

The Jones Act and International Maritime Markets

Issue Jones Act Market International Market Vessel ownership US Ownership (minimum 75%) Any (large shipping companies) Vessel registration USA Any (flags of convenience) Shipyard US Located Any (mainly Asia) Vessel crew US citizens Any (developing countries) Vessel type Mostly coastal and river Mostly deepsea Vessel trading privilege Cabotage within USA

Main Transport Policy Instruments

There is a range of instruments available to public authorities to influence the development and operations of the transport sector. The most common is the funding and provision of infrastructure, which can be seen as direct forms of involvement. Yet, there are many more indirect instruments that influence numerous aspects

9.3 – Transport Safety and Security

Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Dr. Brian Slack Safety and security issues concern both transportation modes and terminals that can be either a target for terrorism, a vector to conduct illegal activities, or even a form of warfare. 1. A New Context in Transport Security While issues of safety and

9.1 – The Nature of Transport Policy

Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dr. Theo Notteboom and Dr. Brian Slack Transport policy tries to make decisions concerning the allocation of transport resources while transport planning is their effective implementation. 1. Policy and Planning The terms policy and planning are used very loosely and are frequently interchangeable. However, substituting one

Sustainability Dimensions in the Transport Industry

While sustainable goals in transportation can be vague and elusive, it is for the transportation industry to address them through regulatory compliance and innovations. This covers two interrelated dimensions related to modes and infrastructures. Modes. The main dimension concerns the manufacturing and disposal of conveyances. This can involve the use