A.20 – Transportation Environmental Management

Authors: Dr. Claude Comtois and Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue An environmental management system is a set of procedures and techniques enabling an organization to reduce the environmental impacts of its activities and increase its operating efficiency. 1. Environmental Management Systems All transport infrastructures vary in terms of property, investment provisions, types of

Hub-and-Spoke Network and the Environment

The hub-and-spoke structure has characterized the reorganization of transportation networks, notably for air, rail, and maritime transportation. It has reduced costs and improved efficiency by consolidating freight and passengers at hubs (or gateways). Despite cost savings, the flows, modes, and terminals used by pursuing logistical integration tend to be less

Environmental Vicious Circle of Logistics

Added value, efficiency, and control are the main drivers of supply chain management. The search for added value enables capturing economic opportunities along the supply chain with activities related to consolidation, deconsolidation, transshipment, and transloading. Efficiency drives the improvement of cost and performance attributes of the supply chain through better

10.3 – Social and Environmental Responsibility

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Social and sustainability challenges address a range of issues such as mobility gaps, transport security, and climate change. 1. Societal Challenges The role of transportation in society has been increasingly acknowledged, which goes beyond its economic contribution. Concerns over energy efficiency, safety, and security are becoming

Transportation Systems and the Environment

Transportation systems, by their inherent characteristics, have an impact on the environment: Network. The structure of transportation networks influences the spatial distribution of emissions. Centralized networks experience a concentration of traffic and emissions at specific locations (hubs), but are using less energy since the average distance is shorter. Dispersed networks