Share of Employed Females by Profession, United States, 2022

Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment in the transport sector tends to have a lower female representation than the average. This is particularly the case for trucking and rail employment, where females account for less than 15% of the workforce. The composition of gender share in employment indicates substantial

The p-Median Problem

The standard p-median problem seeks to find an optimal location for a number of p facilities considering a distribution of demand points. On the above representation of an isometric landscape, the p-median problem can be considered by:

A.9 – Location-Allocation Models

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Location-allocation models look at assigning optimal location choices for facilities considering the distribution of the demand. 1. Context Location-allocation models are designed to assess the most suitable location for a single or group of facilities to serve a defined demand. This demand is often expressed as

Causes of Road Transportation Bottlenecks

Bottlenecks are major impediments to the free flow of traffic and occur under specific circumstances, mostly when nearing capacity. Under such circumstances, a small bottleneck can have important consequences, leading to an accumulation of delays. Four major causes can be identified:

Two Perspectives for Considering Traffic

Traffic Maximization. The purpose is to assess the maximal demand that a network can support considering its transport supply. Traffic maximization estimates the operational capacity of networks, that is, what amount of traffic they can handle under ideal conditions. The above graph (1) is the estimated optimal demand a network