Phases of Development of the Global Economy

Globalization is mostly a cumulative process based on changes in the modes of accumulation (how growth is generated) and their functional relations (how growth is structured). The capacity to produce (manufacturing) and distribute (transport) remain fundamental as vectors of economic development. Since the beginning of the Modern Era in the

Appendix B – Applications and Case Studies

The concepts and methods of transport geography can be used in a wide range of applications and case studies that can be articulated around their social and economic impacts, the role that freight transportation plays, and the complex environmental and planning issues. Socioeconomic Issues Freight Issues Planning and Environmental Issues

2.2 – Transportation and Spatial Organization

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Transportation imposes an organization on activities and a spatial structure. Inversely, the spatial structure influences transportation. 1. The Spatial Organization of Transportation The spatial organization relies on two dimensions that underline that uniformity rarely exists. The first relates to spatial differentiation, where attributes such as location,

1.4 – The Setting of Global Transportation Systems

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Global transportation systems emerged in the 20th century, particularly with the internal combustion engine, the jet plane, and the container. 1. Transportation in the Fordist Era (1920-1970) The adoption of the assembly line epitomized the Fordist era as the dominant form of industrial production, an innovation

2.1 – The Geography of Transportation Networks

Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Dr. Cesar Ducruet Transportation networks are a framework of routes linking locations. The structure of any region corresponds to networks of economic and social interactions. 1. Transport Networks Transportation systems are commonly represented using networks as an analogy for their structure and flows. Transport networks belong

1.5 – Transportation and Commercial Geography

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Commercial geography looks at trade and transactions in terms of what they involve, how they are generated, and their outcomes. 1. Trade and Commercial Geography Trade, the exchange of goods and services over long distances, and commercial activities, the exchange of products and services at specific

Global Accessibility: Time to the Nearest Large City

Source: Nelson, A. (2008) Estimated travel time to the nearest city of 50,000 or more people in the year 2000. Global Environment Monitoring Unit – Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra Italy. Space-time convergence is far from being a uniform process, as differences in transport infrastructures and basic