Environmental Vicious Circle of Logistics

Added value, efficiency, and control are the main drivers of supply chain management. The search for added value enables capturing economic opportunities along the supply chain with activities related to consolidation, deconsolidation, transshipment, and transloading. Efficiency drives the improvement of cost and performance attributes of the supply chain through better

The Food Mile: Yogurt Supply Chain, Germany

Source: adapted from Böge, S. (1995) “The well-travelled yogurt pot: lessons for new freight transport policies and regional production”, World Transport Policy & Practice, Vol. 1, pp. 7-11. One dimension of green logistics concerns food supply chains and the growing awareness that supplying food products to consumers concerns large distances.

Material Flow Cycle

Source: adapted from USGS Fact Sheet FS-068-98, June 1998. Supply chains are part of complex material flow cycles that start with extracting renewable and nonrenewable resources, becoming part of the resource supply system. Through a forward logistics process, these resources are transformed by the manufacturing sector to become final consumption

Logistic Activities and their Green Dimensions

While costs have always been an essential driver of supply chain management strategies, the negative energy and environmental footprint of many supply chains has been a strong incentive to improve what is known as green supply chain management. Since logistics are related to all the activities involved in making goods

B.15 – Green Logistics

Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dr. Brian Slack and Dr. Claude Comtois Green logistics relates to supply chain management practices and strategies that reduce its environmental and energy footprint. It focuses on material handling, waste management, packaging, and transport. 1. Greenness and Logistics Most considerations in sustainable transportation focus on passengers,

Public / Private Partnership Options

Source: adapted from US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (2007) Financing Freight Improvements, Publication #FHWA-HOP-06-108. The main forms of Public / Private Partnerships (PPP) include: Design-Bid-Build. In the first stage, a contract is awarded to an engineering design firm to set a clear guideline in terms of the potential

The North American Intermodal Rail System

Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. BTS. American Association of Port Authorities. The North American rail transport system has a high level of geographical specialization, with large rail carriers servicing substantial regional markets. Each carrier has its own facilities and, thus, its own markets along the segments it controls. The rail

10.3 – Social and Environmental Responsibility

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Social and sustainability challenges address a range of issues such as mobility gaps, transport security, and climate change. 1. Societal Challenges The role of transportation in society has been increasingly acknowledged, which goes beyond its economic contribution. Concerns over energy efficiency, safety, and security are becoming