Reefers and Source Loading in the Chilled Meat Cold Chain

  Cold Transport Chain Transit Time (Days) Typical Shelf Life (Days) Refrigerated truck / Cold-storage facility transloading / Air 4-5 30-35 Refrigerated truck / Cold-storage facility transloading / Maritime shipping 15-16 30-35 Source loading with Reefer / Maritime shipping 15-16 55-60 Source: adapted from APL. There are several alternatives to

Preponderance of Fresh and Frozen Cargo by Transport Mode

Source: adapted from Seabury Cargo Advisory. The nature of the transport of cold chain food products varies substantially according to the transport mode, which is a matter of speed. For instance, about 96% of the food cold chain cargo carried by air transport is fresh (chilled temperature; 2 degrees Celsius),

Large Scale Grocery Cold Chain Distribution Center

A contemporary large cold chain distribution center is usually set as a crossdocking facility where inbound loads are serviced on one side and outbound loads on the other. Inbound loads originate from a wide variety of local, national, and international suppliers, reflecting the whole range of food products available in

Meat Cold Chain

Photo: Courtesy of Hermani AG. Meat transportation is particularly dependent on the cold chain since, once slaughtered, unfrozen meat has a limited storage life. In North America, meat animals are collected alive and transported to major slaughterhouses/stockyard complexes (e.g. Chicago, Fort Worth, Kansas City). Then, the carcasses are frozen and

Shelf Life of Selected Perishable Food Products

  Product Shelf Life (Days) Optimum Temperature (Celsius) Apple 90-240 0 Bananas 7-28 13.5 Bell Peppers 21-35 7 Cabbage 14-20 1 Eggs 180 1.1 Onions 30-180 1 Lettuce 12-14 0.6 Fresh Meat (beef, lamb, pork, poultry) 14-65 -2 Oranges 21-90 7 Pears 120-180 -0.6 Potatoes 30-50 10 Seafood (shrimp, lobster,

Temperature Standards for the Cold Chain

Source: Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (GDV), Berlin 2002-2007. Specific temperature standards are enforced depending on the type of product being transported through the cold chain. For products such as fruits and vegetables, a breach of integrity can lead to damage such as softening, bruising, unwanted ripening, color changes, texture degradation,

Grocery Chain Cold Storage Facility, Regina

Photo: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, 2011. The growing efficiency and reliability of cold chain logistics has enabled major grocery store chains to establish large cold storage distribution facilities servicing large market areas. This strategy confers economies of scale (lower operating costs) as well as the ability to supply a wider variety

Income per Capita and Perishable Share of Food Imports

Source: adapted from Lufthansa Consulting, 2009. Rising incomes per capita are associated with a diversification of the diet, including a higher consumption level of fruits, vegetables, and meats. Higher-income economies thus have a greater share of their food imports accounted by perishable products. A low-income economy may have its food