International Seaborne Trade and Exports of Goods, 1955-2021

Source: World Bank. United Nations, Review of Maritime Transport. The growth of maritime transportation is strongly correlated with the development of international trade since maritime shipping and ports are the primary physical support for international trade flows. From about 800 million tons of loaded cargo in 1955, maritime traffic exceeded

Oil and Gas Pipelines Mileage in the United States, 1960-2020

Source: BTS. Most oil refineries in the United States are located nearby port areas as coastal cities are large consumption markets. Since the 1960s, domestic oil production has been declining, and oil imports have been increasing, which reinforced the locational relevance of coastal refineries. As such, the length of domestic

Types and Functions of Rail Freight Corridors

Rail is of foremost importance in supporting long-distance trade corridors and has experienced a resurgence in recent years, particularly in North America. It accounts for close to 40% of all the ton-km transported in the United States, while in Europe, this share is only 8%. Still, rail freight corridors have

The Alameda Rail Corridor

Source: adapted from Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority. The Alameda Corridor is a 20-mile-long rail high capacity freight expressway linking the port cluster of Long Beach and Los Angeles to the transcontinental rail terminals near downtown Los Angeles. It was built to provide better rail access to the San Pedro Bay

American Intermodal Rail Traffic, 1988-2021

Source: Intermodal Association of North America & American Association of Railroads. Rail transport trends in the United States underline a significant shift of intermodal traffic to the advantage of containerized freight. While rail intermodal container traffic (container on flat cars; COFC), both ISO and domestic, increased, the number of trailers

Ownership of Major North American Rail Lines, 2021

Source: adapted from Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Note: Several rail carriers have track use rights on segments owned by other carriers. Also, carriers have parent companies that may own specific segments and are therefore indirectly owning them. The North American rail transport system is characterized by a high level of

Comparison Between European, North American and Pacific Asian Railways

  Issue Europe North America Pacific Asia Organization Separation of infrastructure from operations (for accountancy purposes) Separation by region (markets) (private companies and concessions of vertically integrated companies) Infrastructure and operations publicly owned Market Focus Passenger oriented Freight oriented Passenger oriented Ownership Infrastructure mainly publicly owned with a few exceptions