Flexibility and Specialization of Major Ship Designs

Source: Adapted from J. Woxenius (2010) “Flexibility vs. Specialisation in European Short Sea Shipping”, International Association of Maritime Economists, Lisbon, Portugal. A wide variety of ship designs are servicing the maritime transport market. Their flexibility can be characterized by their commercial and functional openness: Commercial openness. Defined as the range

Vessel Size Groups

Source: UNCTAD (2000) Review of Maritime Transport. Major ship size groups include: Handy and Handymax: Traditionally, the workhorses of the dry bulk market, the Handy, and the more recent Handymax types are ships with less than 60,000 dwt. The Handymax sector operates in a large number of geographically dispersed global

World Seaborne Trade by Cargo Type, 1970-2021

Source: UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport, various years. Major dry bulks are iron ore, grain, and coal. The variety of the cargo handled by maritime shipping has substantially expanded, but raw materials, weight-wise, still dominate maritime trade. For instance, iron ore, coal, and grain account for 28% of the ton-miles,

Channel Ferry Ship Entering the Port of Le Havre, France

Photo: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, 2003. Due to the short distances involved, the Channel Sea is intensively serviced by ferry ships. The above ship, “The Pride of Portsmouth”, along with its sister ship “The Pride of Le Havre”, serviced the Portsmouth – Le Havre link three times per day (between 5

Liner Transatlantic Crossing Times, 1833 – 1952

Note: Liverpool / New York.Source: data from P.J. Hugill (1993) World Trade since 1431, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, p.128. Stopford, M. (2009) Maritime Economics, Third Edition, London: Routledge. The passenger liner era roughly lasted for about 100 years, from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. Its evolution can

Types of Maritime Routes

Maritime routes are structured according to the type of commercial service they support, which comes in three main categories: Port-to-port. Involves a more or less regular service between two ports, often moving back and forth with unidirectional freight flows involving empty backhauls. This structure has the disadvantage of offering limited

Landlocked Countries

Note: Distances do not consider the effect of the landscape (mountain ranges) and available transport infrastructure. Access to the ocean is an important factor behind commercial opportunities and economic development, but it can be a relative concept. Many central continental areas are located more than 1,000 km from any ocean,

Length of the Major Inland Waterway Systems

Source: World Bank, Ports, Maritime & Logistics: Inland Water Transportation (IWT) Development. A waterway is a body of water available for commercial navigation with an inland waterway consisting of non-oceanic portions such as coastal waterways, rivers, lakes, and canals. Although the Chinese waterway system is the most extensive in the

Major Oil Spills Since 1967

Ship Name Year Location Spill Size (Tons) Atlantic Empress 1979 Off Tobago, West Indies 287,000 ABT Summer 1991 700 nautical miles off Angola 260,000 Castillo de Bellver 1983 Off Saldanha Bay, South Africa 252,000 Amoco Cadiz 1978 Off Brittany, France 223,000 Haven 1991 Genoa, Italy 144,000 Odyssey 1988 700 nautical