Urban Pickup Location, Chongqing, China

Photo: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, 2015. Direct home deliveries are rather uncommon in China. Orders are usually routed to a neighborhood pickup location, which is owned or leased by the retailer. Delivery at a pickup location enables a consumer to pay cash for the purchase (COD), which accounts for about 40%

Impacts of Urban Planning Strategies on City Logistics

The urban planning discourse tends to promote strategies leaning on the development of an urban setting significantly different from the existing pattern, which is judged to be inefficient and unsustainable. In particular, low-density, specialized, car-dependent land use developments on greenfield sites are to be avoided. Urban developments are part of

Amazon Parcel Pick Up Locker

Photo: Wikipedia /Adam Malan, 2013. E-commerce has been an important driving force in the retail sector, and one aspect concerns the growth of parcel deliveries to residential addresses. A challenge is that the majority of homes and apartment buildings are not well adapted to parcel deliveries. They often lack the

Urban Freight Station: DHL Packstation

Photo: Wikipedia. The growth of parcel deliveries to individuals, mostly the outcome of online sales, incited the setting of urban freight stations handling small to mid-sized parcels. This enables the consolidation of parcel deliveries bound to a specific neighborhood (a cluster of customers) and avoids the risk of missed deliveries

Location of LTL and Parcel Distribution Centers, Paris 1974-2010

Source: adapted from Dablanc, L. and D. Rakotonarivo (2010) “The impacts of logistic sprawl: how does the location of parcel transport terminals affect the energy efficiency of goods’ movements in Paris and what can we do about it?”, The Sixth International Conference on City Logistics; Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences

The Lobby as a Freight Station

Photo: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, 2015. In urban agglomerations, a significant share of large apartment complexes (more than 25 units, either rented or privately owned) have a lobby monitored by a concierge, this often on a 24-hour basis. The traditional role of a concierge is to provide a level of security

C.4 – Urban Logistical Challenges

Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue & Dr. Laetitia Dablanc City logistics requires an understanding of urban geography and supply chain management. Urban freight distribution has a unique array of challenges as a multidisciplinary field. It reflects many dimensions of contemporary logistics, such as route and delivery sequence selection. It also exacerbates

World’s Major Cities and the Logistics Performance Index, 2015

Source: World Bank, Logistics Performance Index (LPI). Urban population data from United Nations, World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision Population Database. By cross-referencing a dataset composed of the world’s 435 cities of more than 1 million inhabitants (totaling 1,257 million) with their respective national LPI values, it is possible to

Global City Logistics Typology

Source: Dablanc, L. and J-P Rodrigue (2017) “The Geography of Urban Freight”, in G. Giuliano and S. Hanson (eds) The Geography of Urban Transportation, 4th Edition, New York: The Guilfold Press. pp. 34-56. Four general models of urban logistics can be identified: (MD) large metropolitan areas in developed and (ME)