Most Suitable Cereal

Source: UNEP (2010): The GEO Data Portal, as compiled from FAO, TERRASTAT I Global GIS Databases Poverty and Food Insecurity Mapping Project. United Nations Environment Programme. It is possible to assess the suitability of a biophysical area to different forms of crop production, such as cereals, by looking at their

Length of Growing Period (LGP), in Days

Source: UNEP (2010): The GEO Data Portal, as compiled from FAO, TERRASTAT I Global GIS Databases Poverty and Food Insecurity Mapping Project. United Nations Environment Programme. One of the core determinants of agricultural output is the time available for normal crop growth with photosynthesis. The length of the growing period

The Agri-Food Supply Chain

Source: adapted from Humphrey, J. and O. Memedovic (2006) “Global Value Chains in the Agrifood Sector”, United Nations Industrial Development Organization Working Paper, Vienna. J.W. Grievink (2003) The Changing Face of the Global Food Industry, OECD Conference, The Hague. The agri-food supply chain, which is a standard supply sequence in a

The Food System

A food system is composed of several stages where inputs, agricultural commodities, processed food, and wastes are moving downward and upward a commodity chain: These stages involve complex interactions between biological, economic, and political systems, each subject to risks.