B.14 – The Logistics of Global Food Systems

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Food systems are a sequence of processes to fulfill the demand for food, from farming, processing, and distributing to final use. Global freight distribution systems have enabled a broader scale and scope for commercializing agricultural goods. 1. Food Systems Historically, food production was the dominant focus

The collapsible container’s superior economics (JOC)

The Geography of Transport Systems is cited in a Journal of Commerce piece about collapsible containers. The issue is that the benefits of collapsible containers tend to be exaggerated while their costs and operational hurdles tend to be undermined. https://www.joc.com/maritime-news/container-lines/collapsible-container%E2%80%99s-superior-economics_20190125.html?page=1

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Port Centric Logistics: From Dissociation to Reinsertion (New Page)

Added a new page discussing the evolution of port centric logistics. Initially, containerization was a force that undermined the association between port operations and the related logistics activities (as it did with port/city relations). More recently, we are observing a reverse trend where port-centric logistics become more prevalent. Port Centric

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Corporate Adaptation to Transport Innovations: American Express and Wells Fargo (New Page)

Added a new page presenting the evolution of American Express and Wells Fargo from their origins in the 19th century as freight forwarders to financial institutions in the 20th century. Transportation and information technologies innovations incited both corporations to adapt their business model. Corporate Adaptation to Transport Innovations: American Express

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