Critical Density and Critical Speed

The capacity of a road segment is commonly defined by the number of vehicles it can handle over a unit of time, such as 1,000 vehicles per hour per lane. This volume can only be achieved under specific (optimal) conditions of traffic speed and density:

Levels of Service for Road Transportation

Source: Transportation Research Board (1994) Highway Capacity Manual, 3rd Edition. sf = free flow speed, v = volume, c = capacity, a = 0.15 and b=4. There is a relationship between traffic speed, volume and density for a highway, and how these factors relate to Level of Service ratings. Traffic

A.10 – Transport Technical and Economic Performance Indicators

Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Dr. Claude Comtois Performance indicators are widely used to empirically assess the technical performance of different transport modes, namely their capacity to move passengers or freight around. 1. Network and Operational Indicators Multimodal transportation networks rest upon a combination of costs and performance of transport