The Configuration of Value Chains

The configuration of value chains is related to the market segments they are servicing and to what extent consolidation and economies of scale are achievable. One-to-one. Involves supply chains characterized by a few large suppliers and consumers, such as for energy and mining products. This allows for economies of scale,

The Rationale for Trade

International trade can be derived from the principles of necessity or convenience in the demand. Necessary trade goods are usually resources and raw materials that cannot be easily substituted, conferring an enduring absolute advantage. Trade goods of convenience can be substituted and replicated, implying comparative advantages that may change in

Logistics Policy Bottlenecks

An approach to logistics policies is to mitigate critical bottlenecks. Because bottlenecks occur at specific locations or jurisdictions (such as a port authority) and over a specific function (e.g. customs clearance), they involve challenges that can be identified and mitigated, therefore promoting logistics performance. They represent key areas (in a