Transportation as a Derived Demand

In economic systems, what occurs in one sector impacts another; the demand for a good or service in one sector is derived from another. For instance, a consumer buying a good in a store will likely trigger the replacement of this product, generating demands for activities such as manufacturing, resource

The Sisyphus Analogy in Transportation

Sisyphus was a character of Greek mythology who, for his misdeeds, was condemned to roll a stone up a hill, only to see it roll back down and start over again. The legend offers several analogies to introduce key concepts behind transportation, which are volume, distance, friction, and effort. Volume

Chapter 10 – Challenges for Transport Geography

Transport geography seeks to understand the spatial organization of mobility. It has emerged as a full-fledged field within geography with a strong propensity to include concepts and methods from other disciplines such as economics, engineering, environmental sciences, and sociology. Because transportation systems are involved in various scales and modes, from

Chapter 9 – Transport Planning and Policy

Since transportation can produce significant benefits but creates many negative externalities, appropriate policies can be devised to maximize benefits and minimize inconveniences. The allocation, design, and construction of transport infrastructure and services must be subject to careful planning, both by public and private agencies. A distinction must be drawn between

Chapter 4 – Transport, Energy and Environment

Transportation systems are linked with a wide range of environmental considerations from the global to the local. Environmental impacts are related to transport modes, their energy supply systems, their emissions, and the infrastructures over which they operate. While consuming large quantities of energy, especially oil, vehicles emit numerous pollutants such

Chapter 3 – Transportation, Economy and Society

Transport systems, by the mobility they provide, are closely related to socioeconomic changes. Economic opportunities will likely arise where transportation infrastructures can ensure access to markets and resources. From the industrial revolution in the 19th century to globalization and economic integration processes of the late 20th and early the 21st

Chapter 8 – Urban Transportation

Considering that a growing share of the global population lives in cities, urban transportation issues are of foremost importance to support the mobility of passengers in large urban agglomerations. Transportation in urban areas is highly complex because of the modes involved, the multitude of origins and destinations, and the amount

Chapter 7 – Trade, Logistics and Freight Distribution

Globalization, trade, and freight distribution are interrelated and concern a mobility scale that spans regions, nations, and often continents. This transnational mobility is subject to geopolitical considerations, such as who controls trade routes and what forms of competition and cooperation have emerged with expanded trade relations. Processes related to economic