The Spatial and Functional Structure of Urban Logistics

A city has a spatial and functional structure impacting the organization of activities, transport infrastructures, and freight distribution. The spatial structure is reflective of the distribution and the density of urban activities and it is usually divided into areas such as the central business district, the urban core, suburbia, and

City Functions and Urban Distribution

The city is jointly a place of production, distribution, and consumption of material goods and will thus generate material flows. The role and extent of these functions vary according to the historical and socioeconomic context of each city, commonly involving a specialization (e.g. financial cities, manufacturing cities). Globalization has changed

C.1 – What is City Logistics?

Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Dr. Laetitia Dablanc City logistics is the means enabling freight distribution in urban areas and the strategies that can improve its efficiency while mitigating externalities such as congestion and emissions. It involves managing the movement of urban goods and providing innovative responses to customer demands.

Appendix C – City Logistics

City logistics involves freight distribution in urban areas as well as strategies that can improve its overall efficiency while mitigating congestion and environmental externalities. It includes providing services that manage the movements of goods in cities and provide innovative responses to customer demands. City logistics has received growing attention in light of