Some Impacts of Early Containerization

Pre-Containerization (1965) Post-Containerization (1970-71) Dock labor productivity 1.7 tons per hour 30 tons per hour Port concentration (loading ports servicing Europe/Australia trade) 11 ports 3 ports Insurance costs (Australia / Europe imports) £0.24 per ton £0.04 per ton Inventory holding costs (Hamburg/Sydney) £2 per ton £1 per ton Source: adapted

World Crude Oil Production and Consumption, 1965-2016

In 1,000 of barrels per day. First chart represents production while second chart represents consumption. Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy. Like the majority of natural resources, production and consumption geographical patterns of oil differ significantly. The Middle East is clearly the main supplying region, but its share has

World Oil Balance, 1965-2016

In 1,000 of barrels per day. Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy.World Oil The net regional difference between oil production and consumption often depicts imbalances, which globally evens out when surpluses are transferred and national production is taken into account. For instance, while North America and Europe have a

Main Origin of Crude Oil Imports, United States, 1973-2016

Source: US Energy Information Agency, International Energy Annual Report. In thousands of barrels per day. Since the 1970s, both the level and the composition of American crude oil imports have changed. The volume of crude imports is a balancing act between the level of domestic economic activity where phases of

The Export Land Theory

Source: Adapted from an example displayed on Wikipedia. The Export Land Theory underlines that because of growing internal consumption a larger share of the oil production goes towards satisfying the needs of the internal market and correspondingly a lesser quantity is available for exports. If this process takes place

Global Oil Market, 2018

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy. (oil production and consumption). Lujala, Päivi; Jan Ketil Rød & Nadia Thieme (2007) “Fighting over Oil: Introducing A New Dataset”, Conflict Management and Peace Science 24(3), 239-256 (oil field data). Harvard WorldMap (pipelines). The global oil market is composed of three main elements

Proven Oil Reserves, 1980-2016 (thousand million barrels)

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy. Oil reserves show an acute geographical concentration as 47% of them are in the Middle East alone, which is a small region. Exports of petroleum from OPEC countries have generated considerable incomes over the last decades, but this wealth is temporary as OPEC

Major Crude Oil Reserves, 2000-2020

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy. The geographical imbalance in oil reserves is similar to production. From a long-term perspective, OPEC countries account for most oil reserves. Saudi Arabia alone had about 25% of the world’s oil reserves until recently. Still, changes in the evaluation of oil reserves have