Category Ranges

Color resources, such as gray scale, pattern, hue and intensity are commonly used to categorize visual elements either in nominal, ordinal or interval manner.

Visual Resources

Visual resources come into two categories; color and geometry. Color can be modified according to hue, texture, and intensity. Geometry can be modified according to shape, size, and orientation. Color resources, such as gray scale, pattern, hue, and intensity, are commonly used to categorize visual elements either in nominal, ordinal,

A.3 – Symbolization of Transport Features in a GIS

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Symbolization is the set of graphic methods used to convert cartographic information into a visual representation of transportation features. 1. Cartography and Symbolization Cartography is the art and science of expressing the physical, economic, and social features of the earth graphically. Cartography is a communication tool

Potential Accessibility

By considering the same valued graph matrix (L) as the previous example and the population matrix P, the potential accessibility matrix, P(G), can be calculated: The higher the value, the more a location is accessible, node C being the most accessible. The matrix being non-transposable, the summation of rows differs

Shimbel Distance Matrix (D-Matrix)

The Shimbel Distance Matrix (or D-Matrix) holds the shortest paths between the nodes of a network, which are always equal or lesser to the diameter. It only considers the shortest path and does not account for alternative routes. To construct this matrix, C matrices of nth order are built until