Land Use Footprint in Selected Central Areas

Source: Adapted from C. Gardner (2011) Old Urbanist. Density on the Ground: Cities and Building Coverage. Refers to density within city limits. Includes open parking areas. The larger share of parks in New York is attributed to Central Park. The footprint occupied by urban activities is reflective of their importance

Types of Maritime Cargo

Source: MarineTraffic, 2018. Note: Port time is defined as the difference between the time the ship enters the port limits (excluding anchorages) and the time that the ship exits those limits. Irrespective of whether the ship’s visit is related to cargo operations or other types of operations (e.g. bunkering, repair,

Global Mean Sea Level Change, 1880-2021

Source: adapted from Church, J. A. and N.J. White (2011), Sea-level rise from the late 19th to the early 21st Century. Surveys in Geophysics. Dataset maintained and updated by EPA. Lower and higher margins are estimated measurement errors related to the average. Through geological times, sea levels have fluctuated, implying

Main Material Components of a Car

An average 1.5-ton car comprises about 100 systems (e.g. engine, transmission, cooling, steering, braking, etc.) and between 8,000 and 10,000 different components. In relation to the total mass, ferrous metals (steel), plastics, and aluminum account for 81%. This material intensity is associated by strong demands generated by the car industry

Distribution of Freight Demand by Mode

Source: Adapted from Tioga Group (2004). The selection of a transportation mode is the outcome of several factors, cost being important, but also the level of service, frequency, and the general value of time attributed to the cargo being transported. Thus, it is a general trade-off between cost and value