Blockchains and Value Creation

The commercial purpose of a Blockchain is to generate value for logistics chains. Due to the transactional intensity of logistics, the main value proposition involves contract management, coordination (stakeholders able to more effectively share information), and dis-intermediation (stakeholders able to directly interact without a third party). Automated settlements (smart contracts)

Resilience of Transportation Systems

Source: Adapted from Linkov, I. and J.M. Palma-Oliviera (eds) (2017) Risk and Resilience, Amsterdam: Springer. For a transportation system, resilience is the capability to recover from a disruption to an operational level similar to before the disruption in a timely manner. The longer and deeper the impact of the disruption

Logistics Costs, United States, 1980-2023

Note: In billions of USD. Source: Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, State of Logistics Report, (after 2012). Logistics Management & Distribution Report (before 2012). The composition of logistics costs is mainly attributed to inventory carrying costs, transportation costs, and administrative costs. The main reason why transportation costs are increasing in