The distribution network of Amazon and the footprint of freight digitalization (new paper)

The Journal of Transport Geography has just published my latest paper dealing with the distribution network of Amazon. Until October 1st, 2020, the link below allows access to a full copy of the article. This paper was prepared for the Fleming Lecture in Transportation Geography 2020 AAG Meeting, which

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Main Technological Advances in Transportation and Telecommunication

Source: Adapted from Prentice, B.E. and D. Prokop (2016) Concepts of Transport Economics, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. Major innovations in transport and telecommunications allowed for additional economic and social opportunities. Innovations do not diffuse uniformly, implying that areas of the first introduction tend to derive substantial benefits, resulting in spatial

The Decarbonization of Transportation

Source: Adapted from International Transport Forum (2020) Transport Climate Action Directory, Paris: OECD. The decarbonization of transportation involves multiple approaches that try to influence its economics, the infrastructure, regulatory environment, or innovative practices leaning on information technologies. The main goals seek: A decline in the total number of movements of