Intermodal and Transmodal Connectivity

Connectivity within freight transport systems can either involve intermodal connectivity (between modes) or transmodal connectivity (within a mode): Intermodal Connectivity. A port container yard is a major form of intermodal connectivity by allowing containers to be transloaded between maritime transportation, trucks, or rail (on-dock rail terminal). A transloading facility allows

Factors Impacting Airport Traffic

The amount and growth rate of airport traffic can be influenced by four major factors. Demand pattern. The world’s largest airports correspond to the world’s largest cities, particularly in advanced economies with higher income per capita. Aside from basic demographics, the traffic handled by an airport is strongly influenced by

Average CO2 Emissions by Passenger and Freight Transport Mode

Source: IEA (2019). Transportation modes have a variety of environmental performance that can be measured in terms of CO2 emissions by unit traveled. For passengers, it involves grams of CO2 per passenger-kilometer, and for freight, it involves grams of CO2 per ton-km. Massification (economies of scale) is a key element