Network Connectivity Options

The setting of a transportation network is the outcome of decisions about connecting locations. Using a simple example involving four locations, three general network connectivity options can be considered: Economic development has an important impact on network connectivity, as the higher the density of economic activities, the better the incentives

Types of Supply Chain Risks and Their Resilience

Source: Adapted from McKinsey Global Institute (2020). Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains. There are a number of risks associated with supply chains, each related to a structure that can convey low or high resilience to disruptions. Concentration. Supply chains have a level of concentration that can be

World’s Most Traded Goods, Lead Exporter and Concentration, 2016

Source: Observatory of Economic Complexity, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. OECD (2021), “Global value chains: Efficiency and risks in the context of COVID-19”, OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19), OECD Publishing, Paris. The concentration level of production is higher among exporters than importers, meaning that a few countries tend to account