Carbon Emissions by Country, 1965-2020

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy. Note: Data for USSR before 1985. While global carbon emissions have increased, they appear to be close to their peak. Further, the composition of the largest emitters has evolved, with a growing share of developing economies. There is thus a divergence between developed

Environmental, Social and Governance Criteria

Source: Adapted from World Economic Forum (2020) Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria have been advocated by the World Economic Forum as a stakeholder capitalism approach trying to define corporate standards that can be used for investment

Inventory in Transit at Freight Terminals

Since freight terminals act as buffers between different systems of circulation, a notable amount of inventory can be found at terminals at any given time. Occasionally, the inventory remains for a short duration (a few days of dwell time for high turnover terminals). Still, terminals can perform a storage function