Source: Adapted from International Transport Forum (2020) Transport Climate Action Directory, Paris: OECD.
The decarbonization of transportation involves multiple approaches that try to influence its economics, the infrastructure, regulatory environment, or innovative practices leaning on information technologies. The main goals seek:
- A decline in the total number of movements of passengers and freight while mobility needs still remain answered.
- A shift towards transportation modes that have lower carbon emission levels. The goal is to support mobility needs through a higher reliance on modes relying on less carbon-intensive technologies or offering scale economies (fewer carbon emissions per unit of passenger or freight moved).
- A better utilization level of existing transportation assets, such as roads, terminals, and vehicles. Therefore, the same capacity can handle a higher level of mobility demand.
- An energy efficiency gain of transportation vehicles and equipment. Each unit of passenger or freight is being moved with a lower amount of energy spent.
- A reduction of the share of carbon content in the provision of transportation services.