Q3: Connectivity is comprised of several layers, including physical, virtual, and financial networks. Is multilayer analysis important? How to obtain the necessary data? How can new technologies help?
A multilayer approach to connectivity is important since it enables to understand the dynamics of its core components and how they interact in there functions and geography. Further, it enables to more easily identify stakeholders, jurisdictions and the related data (system wide data is rarely available and information must be compiled separately and ‘patched’ together). The risk is that by considering these layers separately, one may lose the bigger picture and revert to the conventional ‘silo’ perspective.
From a geographical standpoint, three layers of connectivity can be articulated, each involving a different transport system: The foreland, the hinterland and the gateway (or hub). This entry resumes the geographical components of connectivity:
From a supply chain perspective, the representation of connectivity as layers is getting very complex. This entry looks at seven interrelated layers of supply chain connectivity and their possible integration:
Elements of Supply Chain Connectivity, Integration and Coordination