Transport Corridors and the Regional Spatial Structure

Source: adapted from Rodrigue, J-P (2004) “Freight, Gateways and Mega-Urban Regions: The Logistical Integration of the BostWash Corridor”, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geografie, Vol. 95, No. 2, pp. 147-161. Three spatial models relate urbanization, transportation, and corridors:

Passenger Airlines Operating Costs, United States, 2019

Source: Airlines for America. Labor is the most important operating cost of an airline (32.3%), followed by fuel (17.7%). Labor represents about 75% of all non-fixed costs of airline operations. Layoffs are consequently the first strategy used by the airline industry for rationalization during a downturn. Since about two-thirds of

The North American Landbridge

Rail freight in North America has experienced remarkable growth since deregulation in the 1980s. A significant share of this transformation concerns the emergence of long-distance rail freight corridors linking the two major gateway systems of North America; Southern California and New York/New Jersey via Chicago. The North-American Landbridge represents the

Types of Landbridges

Landbridges provide a level of continuity between maritime and long-distance inland transport networks. There are four main types of landbridges depending on the destination of the transoceanic cargo: Although each of these terms refers to a specific inland transport service configuration, the term landbridge has increasingly been used as a

B.5 – Transportation and its Bottlenecks

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Bottlenecks impose delays and restrictions in the normal flow of transportation and can be related to infrastructure, regulations or operations. 1. Transport Bottlenecks The formation of bottlenecks is the outcome of three factors that can be individual or concomitant, for complex bottlenecks: The effects of bottlenecks

Letters of Credit and Bills of Lading in Commercial Transactions

Source: adapted from: Two important documents are commonly required for a commercial transaction involving the exchange and transport of a good between a buyer and a seller: Letter of credit. A document issued by a financial institution that provides a promise of payment for a trade transaction, implying that

The Trans-Asian Railway (Eurasian Landbridge)

The idea to link the Far East and Europe by rail took its origin with the construction of the Trans Siberian railway linking Moscow to Vladivostok, completed in 1916. With a length of 9,200 km, it is the longest rail segment in the world. It was initially used solely as