Empty Drugstore Shelves from Hoarding Behavior

Photo: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, March 2020. Hoarding is a common consumer response when facing uncertainties concerning the future availability of essential goods. During a natural disaster such as a hurricane or flooding, local stores can be emptied of goods such as bottled water, food, batteries, and construction materials. The concern

Main Factors behind the Global Spread of Diseases

The transmission of communicative diseases has not changed over time since linked to biological and physiological attributes. A disease has a level of virulence, and populations have levels of vulnerability. What has evolved with globalization is their epidemiology; the circumstances related to their spread among populations. The most significant factors

Impacts of Pandemics on Supply Chains

Source: Adapted from Notteboom, T., A. Pallis and J-P Rodrigue (2021) “Disruptions and Resilience in Global Container Shipping and Ports: The COVID-19 Pandemic vs the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis”, Maritime Economics and Logistics, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41278-020-00180-5. Supply chains can be very complex and composed of a series of stages, from the provision of

The Development of Polar Air Routes

The advantage of the North Pole as a shortcut is evident, but technical and geopolitical issues prevented the full usage of polar routes for commercial transportation until the 1990s. The airspace of Eastern Bloc countries such as the Soviet Union and China was restricted, forcing airlines to take longer routes