Source: adapted from M. van de Voort and A. Rahman (2004) “Securing Global Supply Chains”, Port Technology International, 24th Edition, pp. 67-70.
Implementing transportation security measures requires the following considerations:
- Procedural security measures. Ensuring that the introduction and removal of cargo from the supply are recorded and can be verified. A similar process applies to passenger transportation, where for the manifest of conveyances such as airplanes and trains is monitored. It also includes the various measures along the transport chain to maintain security, such as cargo and passenger monitoring.
- Physical security measures. Ensuring that the infrastructures, namely the modes and terminals, are secure in terms of access.
- Employee security measures. Ensuring that the personnel involved, from management to cargo handling, have been screened and subjected, depending on the sensitivity of the concerned transportation modes, to background checks.
- Cybersecurity measures. Since the data involved in the management of supply chains has commercial value, it is important that the information and telecommunication systems are secure. Additionally, a tier access structure to the information must be established based upon which information is relevant to whom.