Many cities have two mobility spaces, one which is transit-oriented and usually in central areas with extensions along transit corridors, and the other which is car-oriented and peripheral areas. This duality in mobility can be seen as a mobility gap and can have important impacts on employment opportunities. A mobility-constrained individual (without a car) has access only to employment within reach of public transit. This commonly corresponds to central urban areas that are better serviced by transit. Still, central areas tend to have a large labor market, but deconcentration and suburbanization have resulted in higher employment growth in peripheral areas, some of which are accessible by public transit. A mobile individual (with a car) has access to a wider array of jobs and thus has more choices and opportunities, but parking a vehicle in a central area could incur additional costs. Consequently, accessibility can be a factor of spatial opportunity as jobs may be available, but not easily accessible to a segment of the population.