World Annual Oil Production and Peak Oil

Source: Adapted from BP Statistical Review of World Energy. The oldest continuously operated oil well, called McClintock #1, is located south of Titusville, Pennsylvania, and started operations in 1861. Its initial output was about 50 barrels of oil per day, and after more than 155 years of operation, the well

Automobile Emission Factors

Source: EPA. Three major factors influence the emission level of vehicles: Vehicle characteristics. The weight of the vehicle, including its load, has a direct impact on combustion, along with its aerodynamics and the friction between its parts (gear, transmission, brakes, wheels, etc.). As a vehicle ages, it tends to consume

Fuel Consumption and Fuel Efficiency

Among the factors of energy consumption by transportation, vehicle fuel efficiency plays a significant role. With an increase in fuel efficiency (in miles per gallon), marginal fuel consumption decreases. The most important fuel consumption benefits are achieved in the lower ranges of improvements. For instance, an improvement from 10 to

Typical Energy Use for a Car

Source: US Department of Energy. Cars tend to be inefficient in their use of energy since only a marginal amount of the energy they consume is actually used to provide momentum (around 15-20% depending on the type of vehicle). What remains is lost in the engine, the power to wheels,

Transportation Fuel Markets

Fuel Marine Aviation Road Type of fuel Low quality (bunker oil) High quality (jet fuel) Medium quality (diesel, gasoline) Share of energy consumption 2% 6% 90% Market size (year) 150 M metric tons 190 M metric tons 650 M metric tons % of operating costs 40% 25% 18-20% Road transportation