Some North American Trade Corridor Initiatives

There are several trade corridor initiatives that have been established over North America, mostly on a consensual basis in order to address common problems, such as infrastructure improvements. Many have a form of governance such as forums that include major stakeholders (state Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations). However, many

Traffic Handled at Major North American Gateways, 2007

Source: BTS. Transport Canada. Economic Analysis Directorate, adapted from Statistics Canada International Trade Data. Trade and physical flow imbalances are clearly reflected at major North American modal gateways. Almost all the gateways – land, maritime, and air alike – are characterized by traffic imbalances where inbound traffic far exceeds outbound

B.3 – Gateways and Transport Corridors in North America

Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue The North American economy is articulated along major corridors that connect commercial gateways to their hinterlands. 1. The Spatial Structure of Corridors Transport corridors are considered the backbones of transportation networks, linking major gateways and hubs through a convergence of freight and passenger flows. Most often,