Global Trade, 2017

Source: WTO. Geographically, global trade takes place around three major poles; North America, Europe, and Pacific Asia (Japan, Korea, and China triad). Trade volumes are not necessarily correlated with trade as a share of GDP. This share is often labeled as the depths of trade. Like the United States, some

Global Manufacturing, 2015

Source: United Nations Statistical Division. There is little evidence behind the optimal share of GDP manufacturing should have, implying that a high share is not necessarily associated with high development levels. While manufacturing accounted for about 26.7% of the global economic output in 1970, this share decreased to around 16.5%

World’s Largest Urban Regions

Urbanization is a well-understood process that has led to a global urban system, including several mega-cities. A further step concerns the emergence of urban regions, which are entities that transcend the conventional perspective of a city into a wider scale including rural areas and interconnected systems of cities. Even the

The Tokaido Corridor

Tokaido (also labeled the Taiheiyo Belt) represents a considerable accumulation of infrastructures and productive forces along the Tokyo-Osaka corridor, which is its core. The term refers to the imperial road that linked Edo (Tokyo) to Kyoto but now refers to an urban region accounting for more than 83 million people;

The BostWash Corridor

The BostWash corridor extends along the seaboard and inland, including five major metropolitan areas (Boston, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington), with numerous smaller urban areas with indistinct functional boundaries between them. Overlapping influences of large metropolitan areas, their interrelatedness, and their relationships with local, regional, and global processes characterize

Modal Corridors in an Urban Region

Corridors are multimodal entities as they represent the accumulation of transport infrastructures concerning several modes. Thus, within an urban corridor, there is an overlay of modal corridors, each having a market share depending on the basic geography of the region, the respective level of infrastructure investment, and the types of

Articulation Node and Transport Chains

An articulation node is a location that promotes the continuity of circulation in a transportation system by supporting transport chains and providing the added value that such flows require. It is an interface, a gateway, between different spatial systems (e.g. global market and regional economy) that includes terminal facilities, but

Urban Spatial Pattern in East Asia

Source: adapted from McGee, T.G. (1991) “The Emergence of ‘Desakota’ Regions in Asia: Expanding a Hypothesis”, in N. Ginsberg (ed) The Extended Metropolis: Settlement Transition in Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, pp. 3-26. Asian urbanization is focused on the emergence of urban regions composed of extended metropolitan regions (EMRs) and

Mega-Region Development

The development of mega-regions is mostly the outcome of three processes that reinforce the spatial extent and the coherence of an urban system. The first is the growth, intensification, and diffusion of economic activities, which require additional urban land. The second is the growing interconnectivity of urban centers, mostly through

B.2 – Transportation and Mega-Urban Regions

Author: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue The mega-urban region is a complex regional entity articulated along transport corridors linking a series of metropolitan areas. 1. Large Scale Urbanization and the Mega Region Globalization, urbanization, and the emergence of urban regions are intractably linked. Up to the 20th century, several factors prevented the