Conditions and Outcomes of Intermodal Transport

Intermodal transportation can be used under specific conditions. At start, the load unit must be suitable for intermodalism, which implies that the maximum weight of the load unit should be under 25 tons (regulatory limit to the weight of standard and domestic containers). Intermediate (parts) and finished goods are particularly

Intermodal Transportation as an Integrative Force

Intermodal transportation is a factor in integrating several transport networks towards more efficient forms. The above figure illustrates two alternatives to freight distribution. The first is a conventional point-to-point single mode network where origins (points of production A, B, and C) are independently linked to destinations (points of consumption D,

The Four Revolutions of Containerization

Four major paradigm shifts (or revolutions) have taken place within containerized freight distribution systems, leading to their growing level of intermodal integration: Phase 1: Containerization of maritime transport systems. At first, the introduction of the container and its diffusion within maritime systems took place with the gradual introduction of specialized

Integrated Transport Systems

The notion of integrated transport systems received much attention, particularly with improvements in freight transportation capacity, efficiency, and reliability. The conventional fragmented and sub-optimal freight transport systems have substantially been improved. A process of coordination of freight transport is emerging and favored by several factors: Technology has been a prime

Intermodalism, Multimodalism and Transmodalism

Intermodalism involves the organization of a sequence of modes between an origin and destination, including the transfer between the modes. Its main goal is to connect transportation systems that could not be connected otherwise because they are not servicing the same market areas due to their technical characteristics. However, each

World’s 10 Largest Passengers and Freight Airlines, 2018

Source: IATA, World Air Transport Statistics. Significant differences exist between passenger and air carriers. Because of the large amount of domestic traffic generated within the United States, China, and Europe, the world’s top passenger carriers are either American, Chinese, or European. Through mergers, American Airlines (with US Airways in 2013),

World Air Traffic Pattern over a 24 Hour Period

Source: This video is provided through YouTube. On the above animation, each dot represents one airplane. The three main markets are North America, Europe and Pacific Asia, each operating mostly during their respective daylight hours, implying that the global air transport system is constantly active. Transatlantic flights are also significant

A380 at John F Kennedy Airport, New York

Photo: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, 2013. The first A380 was delivered in 2007 and represented the first complete double-deck commercial plane with a capacity of 525 passengers in a three-class configuration (more if two or single-class configurations are used). Like preceding wide-body aircraft (e.g. B747, B777, A330), the main purpose of