World’s Largest Cities, 2020

Source: United Nations Population Division. Global urbanization and the emergence of large cities has been a significant process with far-reaching economic and social impacts: Some large cities, or groups of large cities, have become urban regions.

World’s Largest Cities, 1850

Source: United Nations Population Division. By 1850, only three cities had a population of more than 1 million inhabitants; London, Beijing, and Paris. The urban landscape was rapidly changing with the growth of new industrial cities in Europe and North America: Conventional cities have been the political and commercial centers

Dynamics of Urban Change

Source: adapted from Wegener, M. (1995) “Current and Future Land Use Models”, Paper presented at the Land Use Model Conference, Texas Transportation Institute, Dallas. The complexity of urban dynamics is expanded by different temporal rates of change among its main components. Usually, land use and transportation networks are very slow

Basic Urban Dynamics

Urban dynamics try to evaluate the main components initiating or being affected by changes in an urban area. Among the numerous factors impacting urban dynamics, transportation is of high significance. It is often expected that investments in transportation will have positive economic consequences that may involve a feedback mechanism resulting

Types of Land Use Zoning

Source: Adapted from Cambridge Systematics. In urban and transportation planning, land use is the object of zonal characterization. Each land use zone is subject to a series of regulations depicting what can be built regarding criteria such as nature, function, and density, giving municipal governments tools to influence urban development.

Cellular Automata Land Use Dynamics

By using a grid where each cell is a discrete entity, a land use system can be represented. Here the representation is binary as either urban or non-urban land use on a 20×20 grid. The top part shows a process of monocentric urban growth; a pattern that has been investigated

Contemporary Modifications to the Land Rent Theory

In most contemporary cities the land rent theory is still relevant, but requires modifying some of its basic assumptions: The downtown area is not necessarily the most accessible location. The rapid extension of highway systems has spurred developments in new locations away from the CBD, notably in suburbia (E). This has

Land Rent and Land Use

In a market economy where land can be acquired or sold, the distribution of economic activities should not be random but the outcome of their respective capabilities to use land in the most productive fashion. According to land rent theory (or bid rent theory), land use is the outcome of

Land Rent Theory and Rent Curve

Source: Adapted from: Pászto V. (2020) Economic Geography. In: Pászto V., C. Jürgens, P. Tominc, and J. Burian (eds) Spationomy. Springer, Cham. Three concepts are at the core of the land rent theory: Rent. A surplus (profit) resulting from some advantages such as capitalization and accessibility. It is based on