Parking Accumulation by Land Use by Time of the Day

Source: Meyer, M.D. (1997) A Toolbox for Alleviating Traffic Congestion and Enhancing Mobility, Institute of Transportation Engineers, ISBN: 0935403124. The activity pattern of each land use is linked with the temporal usage of parking facilities. Residential parking usage is lower during working hours as many workers drive to their workplaces.

GDP Per Capita and Congestion Index, Selected Cities

Source: ITF Transport Outlook 2017, Chapter 5, Mobility in Cities. Note: A congestion index of 0.5 implies that a driver loses 50% more time during morning peak hours because of congestion. Cities are those of more than 300,000 people, which includes 1,335 cases. There is a strong relationship between economic

Vicious Circle of Congestion

Urban transportation is a highly dynamic system where one component impacts others, with retroactive (feedback) effects also to be expected. Congestion is a classic example of a feedback loop through induced demand. Pressures to transport infrastructure managers (usually the public sector) by different user groups being impacted by congestion may

Home-to-Work Trips Modes, United States, 1985-2022

Source: US Census, American Community Survey, Commuting Characteristics. Surveys of people’s mobility revealed that the automobile accounts for the large majority of commuting trips in the United States, around 75%. In contrast, public transit only accounted for a long-term average of 5% of commuting trips, which can be perceived as

Automobile Dependency and Urban Spatial Structure

When automobile trips exceed 75% of all personal trips (such as commuting and shopping), a situation of high automobile dependency is observed. In the United States, 76% of all commuting trips are done using an automobile. Automobile dependency ranges from low where a set of transportation alternatives (transit) are available

Factors Contributing to the Growth of Driving

Source: Texas Transport Institute. A set of factors have converged to explain the growth in the usage of the automobile in the United States and for most contexts where motorization is occurring, as measured in vehicle-miles: Similar factors apply in other countries, but the proportions would be different. For instance,